• Robert and Frances Klug in 1953 during a visit
    from her sister and brother-in-law,
    Mable and Jim Pikrone

1950 - Move to California

Frances and Robert Klug moved to Southern California in 1950. They drove from Chicago to Los Angeles along Route 66 and made their first home in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Westchester. In later years, they also lived elsewhere in California, including Downey, Whittier, Fortuna, La Habra, Placentia and Brea.


The day after arriving in California, the couple drove to downtown Los Angeles and hit the pavement looking for work. It didn’t take them long to find employment. Each day, they would drive to work together, find parking, and then walk to their jobs. Robert worked at a large insurance firm and Frances held executive secretary and personal assistant positions.


According to their daughter, Roberta Haag, Frances Klug had extensive business experience by 1950.

“If one job wasn’t right for her, or if she sensed that inappropriate behavior was accepted or even encouraged, she would simply resign and move on. It got so that when Mother and my father met each other at their car after work, my father would take one look at Mother and say, ‘We don’t work there any more, do we?’ One year, Mother had 12 different jobs.”


Mrs. Haag continued:

“My purpose in revealing how Mother worked in many different areas is not to make it appear that she was aloof or irresponsible, but quite the contrary. I mention this to demonstrate one of many ways that God worked in her life. The different jobs were all for Mother’s benefit and part of her training by God. God allowed these experiences so that nothing in the life of mankind would be unfamiliar to Mother.


God allowed Mother to collect from each interaction with individuals a particular lesson, technique or discipline to help develop the important Gift of the Power of Discernment. This gift, bestowed upon a chosen individual by God Himself, is the ability to read a person’s heart and Soul, or to navigate through situations, dangerous or otherwise. With the Power of Discernment, Divine Wisdom enters a situation. At this particular juncture in her life, Mother simply thought of herself as especially sensitive or acutely aware; by the time The Miracle of Saint Joseph was formally announced, the Power of Discernment in Mother was great.”