• Elizabeth Kinsch with two of her daughters,
    Bernice (left) and Mabel

December 1942 - Family Sorrow

In 1942, Frances was 21 years old when her mother, Elizabeth Kinsch, passed away at age 56 due to complications following gallbladder surgery.


Although the surgery had been successful, Mrs. Kinsch remained in the hospital for several days to recuperate. Frances visited her mother daily during her hospital stay, as did the entire family.


Elizabeth Kinsch was progressing so well that the doctors thought she’d be released to go home in time for Christmas. Frances prepared for her mother’s homecoming, and spoke with her on the telephone the day she was due to leave the hospital. However, a few hours later, Elizabeth Kinsch passed away suddenly at the hospital. The news was completely and utterly unexpected. Frances was absolutely shattered to learn that her mother was gone. The entire Kinsch family was devastated and overwhelmed by the loss.


World War II was raging and with her mother’s passing, Frances Kinsch went to live with her sister and brother-in-law, Mable and Jim Pikrone.


Accepting the Loss
After much grieving and prayer, Frances busied herself with work, college courses and other activities while turning to God for direction, comfort, and His intercession. Frances traveled to several cities to orchestrate shows featuring the local youth talent. She read for radio shows but was always a bit disappointed, as she was usually given the “little girl” parts, due to her very soft voice.


Frances did some high fashion modeling, always with style, class and grace. She also took flying lessons. Learning to fly was exciting for her, and with the instructions of a co-pilot, she learned to take off, fly and land a plane. However, she did not continue with the many hours of flying required to get a pilot’s license.


In later years, Frances would tell her family how she loved the sense of freedom experienced while flying through the air behind the controls of the plane. According to her daughter, Roberta, “While these experiences may seem unimportant or frivolous, it was the Hand of God Who intervened in these activities, work experiences, and life skills. It was God’s Plan to allow Mother to partake in so much that life had to offer, so she would gain an understanding of a wide range of personalities and situations.”