“Something We Already Know, But Do We See It In The Fullness Of Its Reality?”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

May 12, 1992


“A parent’s wishes, goals, hopes, dreams for their child or children, do not always result in the degree or manner that the parents would like to be, because God made everyone different in physical appearance, mental acumen, likes and dislikes, types of talents, degree of talents, physical abilities, physical strengths, different motivations, temperaments, ideals, and so on, and so on, and so on.

Families that are living in the same environment, based on the same seeds of the home’s routine of living, grow apart, grow in different vocations of living, grow liking and/or loving people totally different than expected.

The family name does not lump together the total character of the full living habits of everyone in the family.  Maybe there are similarities, but these can relate to millions of other people’s lifestyle or habits.

One thing all people have in common, and that is the Precious Divine Gift, the Soul.

Wouldn’t it be terrible to live in a world if all people were clones?  Nothing would be exciting, interesting, or give the feeling of personal adventure, connected to personal identity, personal accomplishment, plus, it would lose the excitement of personal challenge connected to identifiable individualistic recognition that makes life interesting.

Even if clones had a will, it would not be like it is now.  We should thank God every day for His Beautiful Gift of so much to do and so much challenge in life, giving us options to choose our own path of life.”


“An important facet of human life is definitely the mental and physical health, which radiates in daily life sound mental thinking and physical activities that generate a meaningful lifestyle.”


“A Divinely Designed Gift, permitting a freedom to make choices, to accept or reject any physical, mental or moral situation or circumstance.”


“A Generous Gift from God in the creation of our human life, enabling us the benefits of these senses that involve touching, feeling, seeing, hearing, smelling, and speaking.

These senses generate our communication to our will, our intellect, allowing us to make decisions regarding safety to our physical, alerting our mental capacity, plus conviction, assertiveness to our decisions regarding a moral or immoral conclusion.”


“A tool of direction that we have access to, using it for a monetary means, our educational goals, plus it is a tool to better understand our Spiritual necessities for the Salvation of our Soul.”


“Cleanliness is an important part of our physical, mental, and Spiritual life.  Cleanliness of the physical has a definite effect on our moods, our attitude and our health.  Cleanliness in our moral decisions radiates in everything we do, everything we say, and of course, is a security not only for us, but for everyone we come in contact with.”


“When we respect the Gift of life, the Gift of decisions, the Gift of knowing that when this life ends there is a more Beautiful Life waiting, we will be better able to deal with all the necessities that daily life forces upon us.”


“Some people are self-motivated and some have to be driven to motivation.  Many times people are motivated in one direction only, and that is to do anything that will make money.  This, of course, can be a very devastating situation for one’s Soul.  There is definitely nothing wrong with a desire to have financial success unless it jeopardizes one’s integrity or one’s Soul.

Many subjects could be spoken about regarding the distinct, sound effects that motivation could initiate and cultivate for good to be done.  The word ‘motivation’ is not always used in the proper way, risking the Greatest Possession man has:  the Soul.”


“A precious Gift of life meant to be used productively, morally, mentally, physically.  This was God’s Intention, and to confirm His Love for the human creation, He instilled within each human being a Portion of Himself, called ‘a Soul’.

History tells us we are created to the Image and Likeness of God.  We all know there is only man’s impression and human interpretation of the real picture and identity of God.  Realistically speaking, it is the only way human beings could relate to such a Great Creator.”


“An asset in all vocations of life, because refinement makes relationships with others more comfortable, enduring, endearing, and confidential.”


“It can be a time to develop one’s mind educationally, spiritually and socially.

Silence can be strength, and many times, through silence, one can allow others to be seen, to be heard, to be understood and to understand.

Silence can be denial or it can be agreement.”


“Productive productivity is essential to a successful life.  Without productivity that is constructive, people can become complacent, dull, uninteresting, unhealthy, stagnant, boring, and find themselves wasting away.”