“My Letter To God”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

January 5, 1979


“Dear God, I know I must always keep before me the truth that my life has an Ultimate Purpose for it, and I will be judged by You for how I used my whole life. To be more explicit:

How I spent all of my time.

How I used my Faith.

How I used my talents.

How I handled responsibilities.

The full use of my knowledge.

The sound standards and sound values for my senses.

The places and areas I involved my abilities.

How I upheld the dignity of my vocation.

The full use of my will — my ‘Line of Decision’.

To what degree I obeyed the Ten Commandments.

Also, I must remember that a daily Examination of Conscience is the surest way to let You know my sincere effort in working to not offend You. Of course, along with this Examination of Conscience, I know I must make the decision to not sin again.

I know, God, that I must use my whole being to accomplish Your Will for me. Why else would I have been born? Why else would You have given me the Ten Commandments?

If there was no purpose to my life, then I would have had no need for Faith, nor would I need Holy Mother Church. Sound logic tells me I must use all my actions, words, deeds, thoughts, and my will, to please Your Will. How else can I obtain fulfillment of my very existence?

Thank You, God, for the Care, the Love, the Mercy, the Direction and the Faith You gave me and showed me, so I might know that I should not fear life, but be thankful for the privilege of it, and the Goal, to become a Saint.”