The Sacred Heart

The Sacred Heart

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

February 8, 1996 at 2:35 pm


“I have many Titles. I Am The Son of God. I Am The Sacred Heart of Jesus. These Titles are important to Me, because they define clearly My Love for humanity, and also of Whom I Am a Part of, in The Holy Trinity.

Mankind must understand that all that he or she is involved in is not totally of human origin, nor is it only of human design. The Father created the world, and used many steps to develop what He knew mankind would be able to see as a preparatory time to human living.

The world has been Blessed by so Many down through the lineage of mankind, through Their acceptance of how The Father Willed mankind to more fully understand the Importance of human life, its beginning, and the various stages in which it was passed through, so that mankind could understand that human life was a Design of Divine Love, and has reached a point wherein mankind can more fully understand that the Purpose for human life is to one day Live Forever, through a Portion of The Father, bearing an individual’s name.

Each day children are spoken to, instructed in many areas of life, but important things regarding their Future as becoming ‘Saints’ is not covered; in fact, it is rarely touched, because of mankind’s lack of understanding of the Importance of why human life was created. Even those who studied Spiritual writings regarding the Importance and the Destiny of human life, are neglecting what should be done at the present time, how it should be talked about, instructed upon, so that all ages can more fully understand that human life has a Goal beyond being the goal of man.

Little ones want to know so many things of why they were born, and some even say: ‘What am I really all about? Am I truly who you say I am?’ They may not put it in these words, but it means the same thing. My Heart goes out to them. Mankind must remember that the beat of a heart is important to mankind. It signals life, reality. My Sacred Heart is in tune with all hearts of mankind, all ages of mankind, all Souls of all of mankind.

My Heart beats with Love, and I want the world to know that if they will but look at My Heart as the Sign of My Life upon the earth, they will be able to relate to a closeness to Me that nothing else can give or be. My Heart responds to all requests. My Love beats through My Heart for all of mankind, no matter what age, no matter what part of the world they are born in because, do not forget, I Am The Son of God, I Am The Lineage of Hope, of Sacrifice. I extend My Heart so that others will look at It, and feel the Love in My Heart that I have for them. So be it.”