Our Heavenly Mother

Our Heavenly Mother

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

August 26, 1992


“As I speak through this Victim Soul in the world, I speak with a Love for you that, in many ways, man could not describe in Its Fullest Degree because, you see, Divine Love is Far Greater than the love that man can understand or perceive. I am your Heavenly Mother.

Each child born to the world, yes, receives a Portion of The Father at the moment of conception. Some men and women throughout the world would find this difficult to understand, but there is no greater love in the world than God has for man. God knows every moment, it is true, and the enemy of God tries desperately to interfere and to control, and yes, cause harm to the Soul.

The Father says: ‘I give you prayer; say the prayer. I give you My Love; be aware of It, for within you there is a Portion of Me, and That Portion will help you through troubled times. Remember, as you say your prayers, say them frequently. Do not neglect that time for prayer, to be with Me. And when you kneel before The Blessed Sacrament, know that I am there physically. Know that when you kneel and you pray, or you just sit there in your own way, I am looking at you in a very personal way.’

Oh, My children, if you but knew the Magnitude of Heaven, you could never sin again, you could never tell a falsehood, for I, your Heavenly Mother, come to you on this night through a very tired child in the world, for the responsibility is far greater than any human in the world has. But do remember This one last Line I will say: Do not think of God just when you are in need, but talk to Him in a personal way. When you are alone, or even when you are with others, train yourself to think His Way, and every once in awhile it wouldn’t hurt if you would say, ‘I love You, God; thank You for today.’

He responds in ways you do not understand, you could not understand, for you are creations of His and you walk upon the land, but He walks within you, in your being. Do not forget this, because you are part of His Great Divine Plan. So be it.”