Our Heavenly Mother

Our Heavenly Mother

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

June 9, 1982


“When God gives to the world Enlightenment, God hands this in a degree of understanding, limited to some people, and of course, in different ways to all people.  When God expresses Enlightenment, He delivers it in a manner understandable to those to whom He delivers it.  He delivers it in the tongue of the individual.  It would be useless to deliver it any other way.  When He sends Hope, He sends it in many ways.  He sends it for the good of the Soul and the good of the individual involved.

When The Father of all mankind reflects Love in His Gifts, He does it in a manner sufficient and in compliance with the individual who receives It, in the manner they can handle It, in the way they can absorb It, and for the manner, means or matter best for them.

When God sends a child to the world, the child is always with certain Gifts.  These Gifts are not always evident to those who are in charge of the child, but the Gifts are Tremendous in Value, for the Gifts are, first the Soul, and then the Guardian of the child.

So little is done at the birth of a child in regard to a new Soul upon the earth, a new Guardian Angel in the presence of mankind.  Through These Two Parts of the human flesh, God’s Light truly shines.

Men look at the child and they ‘Ooh’ and they ‘Aah’.  Some say: ‘It’s a lot of work.  I’m glad at this time that I have the strength to endure it for I will enjoy the child.’ But so few look at the child and say, ‘I promise You, God, I will work every moment of every day to return the Soul to You that You so generously gave.’

Rarely is it mentioned, this little note about the Angel Who stands by the side, Guardian of many ways, many things, and of course, One of God’s Eyes, always watching out for the child’s benefit, protecting the child at times no one is around, no one ever hears about, no one ever thinks could happen to this darling physical human being.

My daughters and My sons, I am your Heavenly Mother.  The Light that comes through This Great Miracle is truly Divine.  I, when I was upon the earth, took Part in the Light of Hope for all of mankind.  The Son of The Father was born in this Light of Divine Rule, Divine Way.  The Light shone brightly in what you call ‘a cave’.  We always smile when children relate the Story of This Great Birth, for no matter how they tell it, they oftentimes omit to say the Light that surrounded Me and Mine was the Light of The Holy Ghost, controlled by The God of All Mankind.

When a child is born upon the earth, there is a Light, the Light of the Soul in Union with The Father, the Light of the Angel guarding all things at that time.  You say, ‘Why then are there sometimes mishaps, problems?’ And I, your Mother, say: ‘Accept God’s Will for all that occurs, for you will grow stronger in love with Him many ways.  Bend your knee in Honor and thanksgiving for the privilege and the honor to participate in His Purpose for the child, the Soul and the Angel that, to Him, was obviously there.’

Be understanding of His Will.  Do not try to correct His Will, but offer your dedication to Him in service of many ways, many kinds.  In this manner you will grow in Grace unlimited, but more than this even, He loves so much a child that says to Him: ‘Your Will, my God, not mine.  My service to You is so small but my Faith in how You act and why You do things is great, and it is a Gift from You, I know this.’

So, My daughters and My sons, know, that as you walk upon the earth in your daily living, recognize your degree of Faith in God, help it grow, and as it grows, you will find it so much easier to say: ‘Your Will, my God, not mine.  Teach me more to serve.  Teach me how to better understand Your Love, for I know one day I will stand with the child before You and then I will see, but it is important now for me to accept Your Will.’

My children, as your Heavenly Mother, in the Light of Divine Hope, Divine Will, you must understand, All of Heaven is working to help build God’s Will upon this land.  The obstacles are great, the burdens numerous, but the plan is God’s Will for man.  So be sure when you kneel tonight to pray, you remember to say, ‘Your Will and Way, my God, not mine.’ So be it.”