Our Heavenly Mother

Our Heavenly Mother

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

May 2, 2001 at 1:00 pm


“I have many Titles. I love Them all, but when I speak at a time like this, I want My One Title to remain within your mind so you will remember the Message I give came from Me, your Mother.

The world has been Blessed by a Gift of Divine Love. Some ask, ‘Why at this time?’ We always smile at this. There have been many times in the History of human life that The Father Decreed would be Special, because of the Souls of all human beings.

Children are not being instructed on the Treasure they possess, a Portion of The Creator that has been Blessed at the moment of his or her conception. Some might say, ‘If my Soul is from God, why would It have to be Blessed?’ This is a joy to hear, because it proves that in the mental there is always a need for assurance of something being extra-special, based on truth, values and love.

Many Saints stand with Me Here today, wanting This Gift of The Divine Love to spread in the right way, to give to every human being now, and those who are coming later, the Facts of the Importance that they are the custodian of a Soul they cannot see but they innately feel, because through their conscience they are aware of a Higher Being, and the Importance of human life, because of how they think, they feel, and also, the importance of truth in everything they say and what they hear from others, because truth has strength in it, hope.

Today is an important day, and some who read this might say that That Statement is oftentimes made. Isn’t every day important? Yes, it is, but when One from Here speaks, it gives to that day a Special Gift of Divine Love, encouraging those who write the Words and those who will read the Words, to more fully understand, comprehend what a Gift of Divine Love human life is to man.

So Many Saints ask if They might speak, because Each One Here wants to participate in helping the Souls be returned to from Where They came. A Soul, to human life, is the Greatest Blessing that any living matter or thing has the privilege to have. It is more than a grain of sand. It is a ‘Living Portion of The Creator’ to be returned to Him, bearing the name of the one in whom It was placed at the moment of conception.

There is so little sound instruction on important facts, reasonings, values to human life, because human life has been gifted with many abilities to learn more about what human life is all about, and that it has a Goal. Nothing else in a living form has this Gift or Advantage or Goal.

As I leave you, always remember, I am only a few, not even seconds away from you. If you think of Me, I am available. If you speak to Me, I hear you.

As I speak today, it is because you are Important, through the Gift of life you have been gifted with, a Soul, a Portion of The Creator. This Soul fills many facets of your life, because this Soul, as a Portion of The Creator, is available through your mind, and one day It will be through your sight. So be it.”