Saint John
of The Cross

1542 - 1591

Saint John of The Cross

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

July 7, 2000 at 1:18 pm


“I am Saint John of The Cross. Along with Me Here are Several Saints. They smile when I say, ‘Their Names are too numerous to mention.’

Through This Gift of Divine Love, The Father has allowed so much to be delivered verbally, and then requested It to be put into script so It would not get lost, forgotten, because of the Importance of It for the Souls of millions of individual men, women and children yet to be born; needless to say, also for those present in your day.

Today as I speak, I speak with deep Love, deep concern, because of so much that mankind is exposed to that is obviously delivered by the enemy of The Father and man. Some might say, ‘Why did You not call Him “God”?’ I answer this by saying, ‘Using the Word “Father” has a personal feeling for All of Us, because He is a Personal Gift of Divine Love on All Things, in All Ways, and All Degrees of Concern.’

This Gift, This Miracle of Divine Love that bears the Name of The Beloved Saint Joseph, is not a gift as mankind enjoys a gift to be. It is a Gift Far Greater, because in This Love of The Divine, so many things are spoken about that no human being could deliver without It coming direct from The Divine.

It is sad when We hear criticism of This Gift that, though spoken through one small voice, when These Words are put into script, They are for millions upon millions upon millions of human beings of all ages to see the Importance of Them, and to be reminded that The Creator of All Things cares enough to allow These Words to be put into script as a comfort on decisions, in decisions, for decisions, that need the support of The Divine.

In so many ways, those who have rejected This Gift of The Father’s Love have lost sight of the True Full Existence of a Divine Creator, because they are constantly associating only with what is humanistically possible, also on a level totally based on what a human being is capable of.

So many children throughout the world need to know more about the Importance of human life, because what they are seeing in those older than they are, is not based on love for The Divine, but on a humanistic evaluation of everything, thus ignoring that a Supreme Power of Divine Love Exists, and that there is a Purpose for human life, a Goal, a Reason.

Today as I leave you, I beseech you to never stop making ‘The Sign of The Cross’ as you awaken in the morning, or as you lay your head to rest. It helps you to remember the Importance of the True Existence of The Holy Trinity. Many places, and in many ways, this Sign is obsolete.

As I leave you, I beseech you to deliver All that has been delivered to every place throughout the world, because you see, All that is being instructed here is important for all Souls, all races, all colors, all creeds. You have been gifted with the privilege of using your time, your abilities, to work to save Souls. So be it.”