Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug



“How often have you acted on impulse? Have you ever regretted this type of action? What does impulse mean to you: a quick thought, a quick action without thought, or a time when you felt a quick desire to do something out of your daily routine, out of your norm of habits?

Have many of your impulsive actions been directed to Spiritual things such as times of prayer, times of service to God through sacrifices, times of penance in reparation for failure in obedience to God’s Ten Commandments?

Have your impulsive moments been restricted to self-indulgence, greed, lust, anger, permissiveness, promiscuity, or immoral thoughts, unclean advances toward other people or things, impure involvements with people or things?

Impulse very often is justified because of weak moments or excuses to partake in particular actions because of others’ encouragement, environmental circumstances, or false duty to someone else today, tomorrow and from now on. Ask yourself in your examination of conscience, what justifies wrong impulsive actions, thoughts, words, or deeds of the day?

Make a note: Selfish impulse can cater to satan, and in reality be repulsive in its purpose, results, and what it does to God’s Love, wanting only a pure state of being in all the Gifts, using all the Gifts He gave you.”