“Why Wait”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

December 8, 1981


“What is a resolution? Some people would say it is something to be broken the first time you decide that the resolution binds you to something that does not give you the freedom to act wrong.

People frivolously amuse themselves about resolutions for the New Year and these same people frivolously break these resolutions. Why bother if you know you are going to succumb to weak moments? A resolution is to be made for the good of one’s mind, body and Soul.

People play so many games with themselves. New Year’s resolutions are in the humorous category. Then we have, later on in the year, the period of Lent when people make decisions to use will power to refrain from doing certain things, hoping that these acts of penance will be seen by God as reparation for sins committed against Him. How many times have you broken these promises?

It is sad to feel and to know and to hear that people do not have strength of their own convictions, that they do not have the ability to persevere when it is good for them, for their Soul, for their mind or their body. These tolerated excuses for not being able to have self-control or self-discipline can truly be looked upon as the basis and weak foundation for all other sins and offenses against God.

One must start some place in life having self-control and self-discipline. We do not have to wait for New Year’s Eve to think about this. Today would be a good time to start thinking about where we are lax in our obedience to God’s Ten Commandments, where we are lax in being true Christians, where we are vulnerable to impure example from others, and where we are pure or impure example to others.

If we base all our life on dedicating our every moment of life to do God’s Will we could find real happiness, because in doing God’s Will we are unlimited in so many beautiful pleasures. Also, in this type of pleasure there is never remorse, there are no compromising conditions, there is no weakness to be concerned about, and there is no fear of wrong example.

It is easy to please God, and it does not mean we have to be on our knees all the time. It just means to live a life with Him in mind, His Will as our Guide, because He intended our life to be lived with man, amongst men, utilizing all the sound benefits for the good of our mind, our body and our Soul.

There is no better way to start the day than to say:

‘Good morning, God. I love You. Please be with me all day, and do not allow me in any way to stray. Please let all that I am and all that I will do show to everyone my love for You. Help me to grow so I will never falter or fail in my obedience to Your Rules.’