Saint Mary Magdalene

1st century AD

Saint Mary Magdalene

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

July 15, 1996 at 2:42 pm


“I am Saint Mary Magdalene.

There are so many times during the day that an individual man, woman or child could silently say a prayer. The prayer could be short. It could be a few words, saying ‘Thank You, God, for today.’ It could be a prayer asking to help someone make a decision or to help someone get well. It could be a prayer that would request helping someone to learn more about a situation that would give them strength, hope, encouragement.

Ask yourself: ‘Is every moment of my day used, or do I let it just go by, omitting those small moments that a small prayer would be communication, that would show God I was thinking of Him, and that I truly cared about a given subject, or someone else that I knew needed His Attention in only the way that He could show it?’

How many who, before they lay their head to sleep, say a prayer in thanksgiving for the day, or even remember to ask for a Blessing for someone or some others close to them, or far away? Prayer, in many ways, is a forgotten act of love because of so many distractions that are more entertaining, more humanistic.

Children are not being taught the importance of prayer, the value of it, or the closeness in which it gives strength in a personal way. You live in a time of callous feelings, because there is a lack of warmth that is so obvious in the lack of prayer that is being said. We hear people of all ages say they are so busy that prayer is an afterthought, if thought about at all.

Children are not being taught the importance of this communication that is so necessary, because of the Soul that is within them that is a Portion of God. We know of many who would not even touch this subject, because they would not want the criticism, or as they say, they would not be able to explain it properly and their meaning would be useless to the one to whom they would be talking. These very same people would be very apt to start a conversation with someone they barely knew.

There is little balance, little understanding, little perception of how man sees the closeness he or she has with God. The very sight of all that is created, the very air that man breathes every day, every night, should automatically tell mankind there is a Higher Being, a Caring One, and that This Being should be recognized as not just a human individual, but an Entity of Great Intellect and Power beyond anything human.

So the next time you find some time that you have nothing important to do, you might remember to say a prayer, or more, to The God Who created you. So be it.”