Saint Charles Borromeo

1538 - 1584

Saint Charles Borromeo

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

January 19, 2000 at 3:19 pm


“I am Saint Charles Borromeo. I come today to have My Words written, because what I have to say is a very important Message for the young.

It is important to recognize each day the Existence of a Supreme Power, Supreme Being, called ‘The Creator’.

All children must learn to say ‘The Our Father’, and of course, ‘The Hail Mary’, for if they learn no other prayer, these two prayers will help them strengthen their belief in the Importance of The Father and The Mother Who are the Example for all things, and beyond all human understanding in Existence, in Beauty, in Truth, in Fact. There are no instructions on this important Statement.

Too much has been and is being taken for granted, thus ignoring the need of thousands of men, women and children to be reminded that The Heavenly Father and The Heavenly Queen, The Beloved Holy Spirit of The Creator, truly Exist and must never be forgotten.

There are Thousands of Saints Here Where I am, Many not recognized by the religious who are supposed to be instructing on the importance of Sainthood, but nonetheless, Sainthood is a reality, not just a Lesson being taught to get others to do certain things.

Sainthood should be the Goal. As human life reaches for goals, it is important that more instruction be advised to question one’s self on what Goal they desire to gain, to attain, when the life and breath no longer exist.

The world has been Blessed through The Beloved Saint Joseph, because through This Gift of Divine Love, much has been instructed in detail, in Fact, and with Divine Love for human beings of all ages, all degrees of intellect, all backgrounds, to awaken to the Fact of a Future Life to look forward to that Exists and is above and beyond what the human way can offer. This Statement, though difficult for many to fathom in Its reality, it is a Fact.

As each man, woman and child looks forward to success, has hope in success and for success, all this energy should be directed to one day returning the Soul to The Creator, a Saint. So be it.”