Saint Anne

c. 50 BC - 12 AD

Saint Anne

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

April 20, 1970 at 3:10 pm


“Once there was a little Girl, My Daughter to be sure. We named Her Mary at that time, and now many children go to Her. When I walked the earth My name was Anne. Many chores I did perform in the way of man. I knew there was something special about this Child of Mine, and when I called Her to speak to Her, Her Eyes would often shine. I looked beyond the surface and saw much love come from Her; and when I heard that She was chosen by The God We loved, I couldn’t help but look back at the day of Her birth. I knew when She was born that God did love Her much.

And now I hold your hand, as I so often held Hers, and I say to you, ‘You, too, are special to The God you love.’ I will give you a special little prayer for you alone to say. Before you lay your head at night, bow your head and say:

‘I love You, God, in a very special way.

I love You, Blessed Mother, for God did choose

You in a special way.

Teach me to be like You were — obedient in all things.

Please guide and guard me through the night

until I awake again.’”

Note: This Revelation was given to a small girl.