So many people who learn about The Miracle of Saint Joseph and Mother Frances are deeply grateful for the Revelations and Teachings that fill their lives with Hope and Divine Peace. Others may react to the story of Mother Frances with skepticism, expecting that instead of a woman, God would have chosen a man, a younger person, or even someone more like themselves for such a role.
The following Revelation Excerpts address doubts that people may have about God’s Way of working in the world.
“This little one has been prepared, instructed, and I add trained, to reject all that is to be rejected, implant all that is to be implanted, and to design the method, the means, the manner and the way, so that millions outside of this room will not just be able to enjoy What has been passed through her, but one day to see the Importance of This Miracle, This Place, and never doubt from Where It came, to make It possible.
There are some outside this room who would give their lives to walk in the way she has been instructed to walk, but they do not know the suffering, the responsibility, the obedience, the time, and of course, the loneliness in the midst of thousands that takes place every day, every night. Mankind looks at it as a focal point that is envied.
Inside her, many times a day, she says to God, ‘Don’t ever let them envy me, because in the envy it will cause their delay in serving You, and in learning to obey You for the good of their Soul.’”
“You say, ‘Is it true?’ There are children here wondering: ‘Why her? Why not me? Why not someone else? Why not a man? Why not a child? But why her?’ I, Saint Alphonsus say: ‘You are judging God − how He should work, what He should do, and the manner in which He should perform. It would be best if you followed the Teaching, followed the action, and desired to do His Will.’”
“I bless you and I say, ‘To be a Saint in Heaven Here is a Privilege, especially in your day, for the work that We are doing, the amount We are exposed to, to help you, is one alone.’ Through this child, All Saints speak. Sometimes she says, ‘All right, go on.’ The first time a woman has ever been chosen in this particular way, so openly, and yet there are men who desire to say: ‘It cannot be true. Why her, why not me?’ And I, Saint Peregrine say, ‘A chosen path is a difficult one, can only be God’s Way, but men do not see the suffering; men only see the open way.’”
“Some men say it is strange, it cannot be, that God would speak through a mere human being. Look back in time and it has been this way from the beginning of time. I use My children to teach others of My children, My Will, My Words, My Way.”
“Today, in the time in which you live, you have much responsibility. Many men of all races, all colors, all creeds, would say I would not use a woman, I would use a man at this time in the world. How can man decide what I would use, My Reasons for who I would choose, and yet men stand in judgment, even on this night, against this instrument who speaks My Words distinctly, lovingly and purely, through the Soul, to you.”